Andrea Pompili

Chief Scientist Officer - CY4Gate

Andrea Pompili is a Cyber Security specialist that has 20 years’ experience in this world. Andrea started working in the computer world very young as one of the most famous Italian programmer of C64 and Amiga computer games. 

Once graduated, he started working on enterprise software development, and then on computer security, following security threats and security solutions on strategic projects firstly for Wind Telecommunication and then for Telecom Italia, coordinating national and international cyber security projects, and then delivering innovation services and architectures for complex and critical infrastructures. During this period, he started working inside multiple Telecommunication standardization groups (GSM Association, 3GPP, etc.) for what regards security aspects.

In the last decade Andrea worked mainly on malware and attack reverse engineering, incident response and application vulnerability research and development leading one of the first team specialized on this kind of new threats. The scope of the activities included research and security analysis of embedded systems used in IoT (Internet of Things) environments including ICS/SCADA networks.

From 2013 and 2018 Andrea was part of the core team of the OWASP ZAP project development.

Andrea entered in CY4Gate in 2016, after an experience as strategic cyber security advisor for Large Enterprises and for Government Institutions, with the role of responsible of the Cyber Security Unit. During this period he designed and defined all the cyber security solution architectures and technical directives and followed all the cyber security initiatives for the Military and Government market.

Since the beginning Andrea has been part of multiple international working group (EDA, ECSO and NATO) and has coordinated the activities related to the Italian and European research project proposals.

In 2019 Andrea became CY4Gate’s Chief Scientist Officer, extending his innovation and coordination role to all the cyber topics covered by the Company, including Cyber Intelligence and integrated Cyber/EW activities.