Eric Kimery

  • GS employee for 27 years, supporting various aspects of satellite communications throughout the DoD
  • Specific Commercial Satellite experience:
  • Lead integrator for COMSATCOM acquisition, capabilities, and integration in the USEUCOM AOR
  • -SATCOM Project Coordinator for expanding theater capability including DKETs installations and mission terminations at Landstuhl
  • USEUCOM Focal point to obtain COMSATCOM bandwidth as well as host nation frequency approvals and authority to radiate within specific countries
  • Inaugural DISA-EUR commercial SATCOM theater manager
  • Led theater level COMSATCOM testing with INTELSAT and GOVSAT using Army and Air Force SATCOM terminals; proving MIL x and Ka-band on commercial satellite can be utilized for both enduring as well as restoral capabilities
  • Oversees USEUCOM COMSATCOM annual funding strategy, ~23M
  • Established theater AISR working group, developing resilient satellite and terrestrial architecture options
  • Bandwidth acquisition through the now defunct MTC and DSTG-G COMSATCOM contracts

Record of employment:

2018 – Present DoD Civilian, Stuttgart, Germany.  USEUCOM J63 lead SATCOM planner GS-14

2016 – 2018 DoD Civilian HQ DISA, Omaha, Neb. DISA JSEIO (Joint System Integration and Engineering Office) Team lead at USSTRATCOM supporting NC3

2009 – 2016 US Army Civilian, Stuttgart, Germany.  USEUCOM J63 lead SATCOM/NC3 planner

2008-2009 US Army Civilian, Stuttgart, Germany.  USAFRICOM J63 SATCOM planner

2004-2008 US Army Acquisition Civilian, Ft. Monmouth, NJ.  PM-DCATS, DoD Gateway configuration manager, STEP/Teleport integration and installation lead

2000-2004 DoD Civilian DISA-EUROPE Stuttgart, Germany.  Contingency Exercises (CONEX) Theater Gateway manager, Commercial SATCOM theater manager

1996-2000 US Army Civilian Landstuhl, Germany.  DoD Gateway Landstuhl Shift leader

1991 – 1994 US Army Satellite Communications operator and maintainer