Founder and CEO of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity. Since 20 years, Pascal is involved in the main cybersecurity initiatives of the Luxembourg Government, CYBERSECURITY Luxembourg, the national platform to foster and empower the Luxembourg Ecosystem in the field of cybersecurity, being his latest achievement.
Laureate of the Information Security Personality of the Year award in 2017, Pascal Steichen has dedicated his professional career to cybersecurity. In 2022 he was elected as the first chairman of the ECCC (European Cybersecurity Competence Centre).
Pascal holds a master degree in astrophysics and, in parallel of starting his career as a software engineer, he graduated in applied information technology.
In 2002 he joined the Luxembourg Government, as advisor and project manager in the area of network and information security for the Ministry of the Economy. Where he participated in the creation of LuxTrust (, CASES ( and CIRCL ( as part of his activities.
From 2003 to 2014, he was representing Luxembourg as an alternate member of the management board of ENISA.
In 2017, Pascal lead and contributed to the creation of the Cybersecurity Competence Center a unique facility to strengthen the resilience of the Luxembourg economy by helping organisations to test and improve their cybersecurity competence, which evolved into the National Cybersecurity Competence Center (NC3 –
Building on his huge experience in cybersecurity, today, Pascal is involved in key communities in Luxembourg and Europe. Member of the Luxembourg Cybersecurity Board, lecturer in information security at the University of Luxembourg, member of WomenCyberForce, and involved in the curricular board of the BTS cybersecurity.
At an international level, Pascal was involved in the founding of ECSO, is an active member of the FIC advisory board, was part of the 2021 judging panel of the IFSEC Global Influencers in Security and Fire Award, and since 2022 represents Luxembourg at the Governing Board of the ECCC, where he was elected as its first Chairperson.